How Forex Works To Be A Fixed Income Source

How Forex Works To Be A Fixed Income Source. Actually the way of working forex is very simple ie buy the currency index at this time and sell it in the future (1 hour, 1 day, week or year) and can also sell the current currency value with the price in the future. But often the prospective customers ask the broker "how forex work"? As a beginner broker I often meet questions like this. If you get the basic questions of forex work like this what do you do. As a sharing, I used to explain it theoretically, in accordance with the basic forex sciences, and did you know due to my explanation almost never any customers who want to invest forex through me as their broker.

Finally I ask how to answer questions about how to work forex to my manager, so that prospective customers want to choose me as their broker. My manager tells me never to explain the analogy of forex trading with terms in forex theory, but try to explain such questions by mengkiaskannya on sale and purchase of vegetables in the market. So a simple question about how forex works can actually be explained by the above analogy. It's just that the question will usually arise, if the profit is only 0.50 then the money they get is very small. If this question arises then you should explain further about leverage in forex. If we explain what is leverage in forex then complete with margin explanation in forex. If both of these we explain well I am sure at least 50% of customers you meet will be your investors.

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